mind, able to recreate similar experiences. Tv readers can get a wonderful feeling of 'belonging, and having sisters all over the world -- living right now -- having the same problems as the reader. Here, the writing, in the first person, has a strong effect.

The scientific literature about transvestism is always subject to much speculation but is interesting to many readers. It is natural that Tvs want to know why they crossdress. But science gives no answer. We learn of theories and do read of some par- ticular cases, but little more. The readers of such literature always hope that such literature will give society a better under- standing of crossdressing.

Transvestic literature is not the only subject of interest to Tv readers. Literature about feminine fashions, cosmetics and beauty treatments are always welcome reading. The way genuine girls transform their appearance by cosmetics, hair coloring, proper use of clothing, etc., is thoroughly studied. And this type of study is thrilling and instructing for a Tv who naturally in his thoughts makes himself the subject for these transformation. Tvs like plots where a plain, average little 'Cinderella' changes into a glamour girl by means of cosmetics and clothes. Tvs like to read about other Tv's first experiences with cosmetics, that first wig, etc.


Transvestic literature is a field where much can be done. Chavalier Publications has shown the way with much fine fic- tion and true autobiographies all written by and for cross- dressers. Here we find OURSELVES, OUR dreams, and prob- lems. The literature has been enriched and so have we. The tree of literature which was planted when people first learned to write, now has a new branch. Let it become thick and healthy with twigs and foliage under the shadow of which we can find joy and relaxation.


Her Sorority sisters thought Joanne was nuts For Giving her boyfriend HER pin.

That's reverse of tradition - but they didn't know What Joanne had been dressing him in.

